How to Set Up Yahoo Email on Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a popular email client that allows you to manage multiple email accounts in one place. If you have a Yahoo email account and want to access your emails through Outlook, you can easily set up the account using the following steps In USA.

Step 1: Enable Yahoo Account Access

Before you begin the setup process, ensure that your Yahoo account is configured to allow third-party applications like Outlook to access your email. Follow these steps:

Go to the Yahoo Account Security page by logging in to your Yahoo account and clicking on your profile picture in the top-right corner. Then, select “Account Info.”

In the Account Info section, click on “Account Security” in the left sidebar.

Look for the “Allow apps that use less secure sign-in” option. If it’s turned off, enable it. Keep in mind that using this option may pose a security risk yahoo mails in outlook, so use it cautiously.

Step 2: Open Outlook

Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer. If you’re setting up Outlook for the first time, you’ll be prompted to add an email account. If you’ve already set up Outlook with other accounts yahoo mails in outlook, you can add a new account by clicking on “File” in the top-left corner and then selecting “Add Account.”

Step 3: Add Account Information

In the “Add Account” window, select “Manual setup or additional server types” and click “Next.”

Choose “POP or IMAP” and click “Next.”

Fill in your account details:

Your Name: Your display name
Email Address: Your full Yahoo email address
Account Type: Choose either “IMAP” or “POP3.” IMAP keeps your emails synchronized between Outlook and the Yahoo server, while POP3 downloads them to your computer. IMAP is recommended for most users.
Incoming mail server:
Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
User Name: Your Yahoo email address
Password: Your Yahoo account password
Click on the “More Settings” button.

Step 4: Configure Outgoing Server and Advanced Settings

In the “Internet Email Settings” window, navigate to the “Outgoing Server” tab In USA.

Check the box that says “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.” Select the option “Use same settings as my incoming mail server.”

Switch to the “Advanced” tab.

Set the following port numbers and encryption options:

Incoming server (IMAP): 993 with SSL encryption
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 with SSL encryption
If you’re using POP3, the port numbers will be:

Incoming server (POP3): 995 with SSL encryption
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 with SSL encryption
Click “OK” to close the “Internet Email Settings” window.

Step 5: Test Account Settings

Back in the “Add Account” window, click the “Test Account Settings” button. Outlook will check the configuration and connectivity of your Yahoo account In USA.

If everything is set up correctly, you should see green checkmarks next to both “Log onto incoming mail server (IMAP)” and “Send test email message.” If any errors occur, double-check your settings and try again yahoo mails in outlook.

Step 6: Finish Setup

Once the test is successful, click “Next” and then “Finish” to complete the setup process.

Outlook will start syncing your Yahoo emails, folders, and other data. This may take a while, depending on the size of your mailbox yahoo mails in outlook.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up your Yahoo email account in Microsoft Outlook. You can now send and receive Yahoo emails directly from Outlook, making it easier to manage your communications in one unified platform In USA.

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