Reasons why Hp Envy printers run offline and easy troubleshooting steps.

HP Printer is an American company founded in 1984 under the acronym Hewlett Packard. HP is a market leader in terms of demand and competitive prices with a wide range of offerings. One of the HP Envy printers has the following features that users love. Provides an ISO printing speed of 14 pages per minute. […]

Reasons why Hp Envy printers run offline and easy troubleshooting steps. Read More »

Steps For Installing Canon Printer Without CD on Windows & Mac Operating System

This document provides instructions for using a Canon printer for CD-free printing on Windows and Mac computers. Your Canon printer should come with the necessary cables and cords. How to wirelessly install a Canon CD printer in Windows: How to use the Canon printer driver? Wireless connection to Windows without CD This example explains how

Steps For Installing Canon Printer Without CD on Windows & Mac Operating System Read More »

How To Throttle Bandwidth to Devices in Your Home?

Throttling bandwidth to devices in your home can be useful for various reasons, such as ensuring fair distribution of internet resources or preventing certain devices from hogging the network in USA. Below is a step-by-step guide to achieving this:Identify Your Router’s Capabilities: Check if your router supports Quality of Service (QoS) or bandwidth control features.

How To Throttle Bandwidth to Devices in Your Home? Read More »